Luzula nutans

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This plant grows to 0.5 m or so and produces these characteristic long drooping stems with large flowers (for a Wood-rush). I had never seen it before but to me it was obviously a Wood-rush of some kind: a member of the Luzula genus. Someone in our Naturetrek party asked me what its systematic name was. I told them I didn't know but suggested it should be Luzula nutans (nutans = nodding) not knowing that was its actual name.

Luzula nutans

Luzula nutans

Le Pont D'Espagne, French Pyrenees, 12th June 2009

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Luzula nutans

Le Pont D'Espagne, French Pyrenees, 12th June 2009

Added on 10th December 2010, updated 30th May 2013

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