Nerium oleander   Oleander

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Nerium oleander flowers in the late Spring when many other plants are beginning to dry up ready for the scorching summer months. To see these natural bushes in full flower is a special sight and it is quite hard to believe that they aren't planted so colourful and regular at the side of the roads do they occur. However they line so many routes on this island and fill so many little valleys that it is certain that they grow naturally here as well as being planted.

N. oleander grows throughout the Mediterranean and is a poisonous plant, the sap contining chemicals that affect heart function.

Nerium oleander

Nerium oleander Oleander

On waste land near Hotel mare Lindos, Rhodes 13th May 2010

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Nerium oleander Oleander

On waste land near Hotel mare Lindos, Rhodes 13th May 2010

Added on 16th January 2011, , updated 30th June 2023

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