Speckled Wood   Pararge aegeria ssp aegeria

Pararge aegeria ssp aegeria upper

The sub species of Speckled Wood (ssp tircis) we know in the UK loves to fly in dappled shade hence the name. This one was seen flitting from plant to plant in bright sunlight and with its much more orangey brown markings to me looks very different from ssp tircis but quite similar to the endemic Canary Speckled Wood (Pararge xiphioides).

The larval food plants are grasses, often Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire Fog) but the adults take honeydew from aphids which are found on the leaves of deciduous trees like oak.

Pararge aegeria ssp aegeria

Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria ssp aegeria

El Burgo River valley, Andalucia, Spain 31st March 2008

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Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria ssp aegeria

El Burgo River valley, Andalucia, Spain 31st March 2008

Added on 14th June 2010

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