Euphorbia serrulata   Upright Spurge RRR DD N

Euphorbia serratula whole Euphorbia serratula close

Re-directed to Euphorbia stricta.

We were shown this spurge on a WFS trip in Monmouth where it is native. I had thought it was something like Wood Spurge (E. amygdaloides) but it is quite different. The plant itself is quite tall - about 1 m, but many branches with small leaves and even smaller flowers. The capsules, typical of the spurges, are covered in warty protuberances which make for an easy way of identifying this rare plant.

E. serrulata is mostly found around the Gloucester region of England with other records thinly dotted about. There is a little in south west Wales but none to be found in either Scotland or Ireland.

Woods near Redbrook Village 6th September 2005

Added on 11th September 2005, updated 13th January 2009, updated 30th March 2010, updated and re-directed 24th May 2012

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